Aantal boeken: 7

  • Versterk het ondernemend vermogen

    De kritische vriend methode als succesfactor
    Alexander Grit, Natalie Gumbs
  • Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity

    Using Critical Friend Method as factor of success
    Alexander Grit, Natalie Gumbs

    Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity

    The professorship Entrepreneurship in Transition has developed a philosophy to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of individuals, companies and regions. The philosophy assumes that successful entrepreneurship is both a personal and a collective assignment exploring possibilities. The Critical Friend Method is a working method that takes shape in multi-level and multi-disciplinary settings and can be applied to innovation, connection and entrepreneurship issues.
    People are challenged to take self-direction, think critically, and take the next step.
    Companies with innovation challenges can successfully use the Critical Friend Method to share knowledge bypassing potential hierarchical constraints.
    Regions in the world are facing challenging transitions. Such as from linear to circular creation processes. This method contributes to the current transitions in society by promoting knowledge sharing, stories and exchange.
    Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity is a handbook that provides all the tools to support this process and offers instructions that have been tested in practice for students, entrepreneurs, teachers and workplaces.

    The professorship Entrepreneurship in Transition is a collaboration between Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen and Alfa-college.

  • Hoe gehandicapten hun thuis verloren   

    De gevolgen van een falend beleid
    Marijke Malsch

    Hoe gehandicapten hun thuis verloren   

    Een paar decennia geleden begon de uitplaatsing van verstandelijk gehandicapten. Ze konden, zo was de gedachte, net zo goed in de wijken wonen. Hun beschermde woonplekken werden opgeheven en er werd bezuinigd op zorg en begeleiding. De gehandicapten zelf hadden er weinig over te zeggen. Bij hun gedwongen verhuizing verloren ze vaak het contact met hun eerdere leefgemeenschap. Hun families constateerden een achteruitgang van de zorg en vereenzaming.

    Ook wetenschappers uitten hun aarzelingen over het nieuwe beleid. Maar de ‘uitplaatsingen’ gingen door. Intussen maakten bestuurders vastgoedplannen voor de ontruimde instellingsterreinen. Tegenwoordig worden gehandicapten weer teruggehaald naar beschermde terreinen. Maar het mislukken van het beleid van ‘community care’ wordt niet toegegeven.

    Een ontluisterend verslag van het neoliberalisme in de gehandicaptenzorg en psychiatrie.

    Prof. Marijke Malsch is hoogleraar aan de Open Universiteit en onderzoeker bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR). Zij heeft een broer die in gehandicapteninstelling Sherpa woont en ze publiceert regelmatig over maatschappelijk relevante onderwerpen, waaronder de langdurige zorg. Ze werkte eerder als plaatsvervangend rechter en gezondheidsjurist.

  • A fascinating journey along the eyes of animals

    A fly has two eyes, but they consist of hundreds of separate parts, each with its own lens. The eyes of rabbits are implanted sideways to see danger coming. What do all eyes have in common? They all do “something” with light. The renowned ophthalmologist Dr Frank J. Goes takes you on a fascinating journey along the eyes of animals. Changing climate, continental drift and the amount of oxygen in the air influenced the development of animal species and their eyes. Colour vision, sharpness, nearsighted or farsighted, facet eyes, eyes on stalks. The variation is endless, but animals always have eyes adapted to the search for food and survival.

    DR. FRANK J. GOES is a consultant at the Goes Eye Center in Antwerp, which he founded in 1969. In addition to his activities as an ophthalmologist, he is also a lecturer at Ehsal high school,
    an ambassador for the NGO ‘Light for the World’ and a consultant in medical legal matters.

  • Victor Horta and the Frison House in Brussels

    In the middle of the Lebeaustraat in Brussels, sandwiched between neo-Renaissance and neo-Gothic houses, stands an Art Nouveau jewel designed by Victor Horta: the Frison House. It was
    commissioned by Maurice Frison, a lawyer and friend of the architect, and was built in 1894-1895. Horta designed not only the house, but also all its furniture and decoration, right down to the smallest detail: from door handles to marble fireplaces, from mosaic floors to elegant banisters, from wall lamps to the gratings for the cellar openings. The absolute eyecatcher is the winter garden, whose elegant design allows soft yellow light to flow subtly into its perfectly proportioned space.

    Nupur Tron is the author of this book and owner of the house. In recent years, she has breathed new life back into Horta’s masterpiece. She pieced together bits of the old chandeliers she found in one of the cellars. She had items of furniture designed by Horta lovingly restored. With great passion, she continues to search for the funds that will allow her to restore the entire house to its former glory, one step at a time.

    Horta and the Frison House in Brussels is an ode to the architect and his creation.

    Nupur Tron is from India. She studied Design, Marketing & Merchandising and Fine Arts at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. She designs jewellery, in which the different styles of east and west meet in harmony.
