Aantal boeken: 5

  • De mens is geen plaag

    Over samenleven met 10 miljard mensen op aarde
    Cees Buisman
  • Hout dat spreekt

    Over de sterke band tussen de mens en hout
    Ilse Boeren, Kristof Haneca, Maaike de Ridder, Viviane Leyman, Wim Tavernier

    Hout dat spreekt

    Iedereen weet wat hout is en wat je ermee kan doen. Maar is dat echt zo? Na het lezen van dit boek zal u moeten bekennen dat er veel meer over hout te vertellen valt dan u denkt. 

    De invloed van hout op ons en onze beschaving is immens groot. Zonder hout geen vuur, geen houtskool en dus ook geen ijzertijd, geen luxueuze, zwarte stoffen, geen inkten of plakkaatverf, geen whisky of wijn. In hout dat spreekt maken we kennis met dit geweldige materiaal dat natuur ons brengt. 

    Wim Tavernier, Viviane Leyman, Ilse Boeren, Maaike De Ridder en Kristof Haneca brengen in dit boek hun wijsheid samen en verassen ons met boeiende inzichten. 

    Deze uitgave is tot stand gekomen in samenwerking met Plantentuin Meise. 

  • Victor Horta and the Frison House in Brussels

    In the middle of the Lebeaustraat in Brussels, sandwiched between neo-Renaissance and neo-Gothic houses, stands an Art Nouveau jewel designed by Victor Horta: the Frison House. It was
    commissioned by Maurice Frison, a lawyer and friend of the architect, and was built in 1894-1895. Horta designed not only the house, but also all its furniture and decoration, right down to the smallest detail: from door handles to marble fireplaces, from mosaic floors to elegant banisters, from wall lamps to the gratings for the cellar openings. The absolute eyecatcher is the winter garden, whose elegant design allows soft yellow light to flow subtly into its perfectly proportioned space.

    Nupur Tron is the author of this book and owner of the house. In recent years, she has breathed new life back into Horta’s masterpiece. She pieced together bits of the old chandeliers she found in one of the cellars. She had items of furniture designed by Horta lovingly restored. With great passion, she continues to search for the funds that will allow her to restore the entire house to its former glory, one step at a time.

    Horta and the Frison House in Brussels is an ode to the architect and his creation.

    Nupur Tron is from India. She studied Design, Marketing & Merchandising and Fine Arts at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. She designs jewellery, in which the different styles of east and west meet in harmony.

  • Humanity is not a plague

    How 10 Billion People can Exist Together
    Cees Buisman

    Humanity is not a plague

    In Humanity is Not a Plague, Cees Buisman argues that it is possible for 10 billion people to exist together on this Earth – as predicted for the year 2100 – provided that the richer part of the world no longer merely focuses on its own health, prosperity and happiness, and instead starts working seriously on developing a higher consciousness.

    In this essay, Buisman sharply analyzes some of the problems facing mankind, such as fresh water shortages, whilst overturning several clichés and offering unexpected, positive solutions. Overpopulation is not the problem; the effects of our actions on the rest of the world have a much greater impact. ‘Back to nature’ is not the solution, nor is an overreliance on science and innovation. Large-scale technologies could even increase our problems. It seems that the growth of humanity will depend on the growth of our consciousness.

    Cees Buisman studied water purification engineering, in addition to business administration, communication theory and applied integral psychology. Throughout his life he has worked on new environmental technologies, which are used in industry all over the world. His scientific work is highly cited. Buisman is the Director of Wetsus – European Center for Sustainable Water Technology, and Professor at Wageningen University, in the Netherlands.
