Eugene Dubois - Correspondence
The Dutch paleoanthropologist and geologist Eugène Dubois earned worldwide fame for his discovery of Pithecanthropus erectus (later redesignated Homo erectus), or "Java Man". This is the complete correspondence up to and including the years excavations in the Dutch Indies took place under Dubois' supervision. It includes letters from friends, his aids in the field, his peers and his supervisors. As such these letters are important source documents of science under the colonial circumstances of that time.
By: Paul C.H. Albers (red)
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12.000 jaar Bos t’Ename
Een hoopvol perspectief voor bos in de Lage Landen
Door: Guido Tack, Martin Hermy, Paul van den Bremt, Pieter Blondé
Bos t'Ename kan op vele vlakken model staan voor alle andere bossen in de Lage Landen, maar onderscheidt zich sterk door de veelheid van kennis die erover is vergaard. Duizenden jaren geschiedenis liggen hier op de bodem en werden bovengespit.
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