Aantal boeken: 3

  • Cache-sexe

    Covered, uncovered, discovered
    Philip van Kerrebroeck


    This book asks why humans through history have covered their genitals and worn a cache-sexe. Does the cache-sexe merely provide protection, or is it an instrument to draw attention? Can the cache-sexe be used to stimulate certain thoughts? Why does not wearing a cache-sexe provoke shame one society but not in another? Are nudity and nakedness the same?

    On his quest to answer these questions, the author takes the reader on a review of the anatomy of the female and male genitals and reflects on how this part of the human body has been perceived over time and in various cultures. The different types of male and female cache-sex are discussed with reference to comprehensive illustrations based on unique and sometimes previously unpublished examples of cache-sexes and photographic documentation. The book also pays attention to the covering of the ‘backside’. Following this 360° exploration of the use of the cache-sexe, the place of the cache-sexe in art and fashion is uncovered.

    Philip Van Kerrebroeck is an urologist and professor emeritus of Urology at the University of Maastricht. Born in Leuven (Belgium), he trained in Surgery and Urology in Brussels, Utrecht, Nijmegen and San Francisco. Over the years, he has also developed an interest in the history of urology and cultural anthropology. He is currently chairman of the History Office of the European Association of Urology (EAU).

  • Bedekt

    Een antropologische geschiedenis van de schaamlap
    Philip van Kerrebroeck
  • Op ús eigen wize

    Sân ferhalen út it boek Hannelingen oer taal en kultuer
    Hinne Wagenaar

    Op ús eigen wize

    Minderheidstalen en -kultueren moatte it faak ôflizze tsjin de oerhearsking fan dominante kultueren. By de fersprieding fan it kristendom wie meast gjin omtinken foar lytse talen, kultueren en folken, foaral net yn de perioade fan it Westerske kolonialisme. Yn de lêste 50 jier hawwe Afrikaanske kristenen heftich protestearre tsjin de antropologyske earmoed dy’t dat harren oplevere hat.
    Sy ûntdutsen yn it bibelboek Hannelingen fan de Apostels in folslein oare missionêre hâlding. Troch de analyze fan sân ferhalen besiket Hinne Wagenaar dy missionêre hâlding fierder op it spoar te kommen. Sa komt hy ta in teologyske basis foar tsjerke en spiritualiteit op in eigen wize. Net allinne foar Afrikaanske teology, mar likegoed om de kontoeren te jaan fan in Fryske teology.

    ds. Hinne Wagenaar (Nijemardum, 1962) hat studearre yn Grins en New York. Hy wie dûmny foar bûtenlânske studinten yn Nederlân (1990-1997), dosint systematyske teology yn Kumba, Kamerûn (1998-2002), dosint missiology yn Grins (2002-2005) en dûmny fan de Protestantske Gemeente te Wurdum en omkriten (2002-2012). Sûnt 2012 is hy as pionier-predikant ferbûn oan it pioniersplak Nijkleaster en de gemeente Westerwert te Jorwert.
