Aantal boeken: 6

  • Het Grote Zen Doe Boek

    Van aandacht tot Zen. Alles over leven in balans
    Arno van Haren, Suzan van Lieshout
  • Versterk het ondernemend vermogen

    De kritische vriend methode als succesfactor
    Alexander Grit, Natalie Gumbs
  • Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity

    Using Critical Friend Method as factor of success
    Alexander Grit, Natalie Gumbs

    Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity

    The professorship Entrepreneurship in Transition has developed a philosophy to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of individuals, companies and regions. The philosophy assumes that successful entrepreneurship is both a personal and a collective assignment exploring possibilities. The Critical Friend Method is a working method that takes shape in multi-level and multi-disciplinary settings and can be applied to innovation, connection and entrepreneurship issues.
    People are challenged to take self-direction, think critically, and take the next step.
    Companies with innovation challenges can successfully use the Critical Friend Method to share knowledge bypassing potential hierarchical constraints.
    Regions in the world are facing challenging transitions. Such as from linear to circular creation processes. This method contributes to the current transitions in society by promoting knowledge sharing, stories and exchange.
    Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity is a handbook that provides all the tools to support this process and offers instructions that have been tested in practice for students, entrepreneurs, teachers and workplaces.

    The professorship Entrepreneurship in Transition is a collaboration between Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen and Alfa-college.

  • De mens is geen plaag

    Over samenleven met 10 miljard mensen op aarde
    Cees Buisman
  • Eetbare bomen en struiken

    Natuurgids. ruim 80 soorten, determineren, verzamelen, eten
    Otmar Diez

    Eetbare bomen en struiken

    Lekkers uit de natuur
    In het bos, in je eigen tuin of in het park – overal groeien bomen en struiken die je lokken met hun heerlijke vruchten. En ook met hun knoppen, bloemen, bladeren en zelfs hun boomsap kan je je menu verrijken.

    Zeker determineren

    Meer dan 350 foto’s en kleurenillustraties tonen alle belangrijke kenmerken en helpen je de verschillende boom-en struiksoorten betrouwbaar te determineren.

    Correct verzamelen

    Waar mag ik verzamelen? Welke onderdelen zijn eetbaar? En hoe kom ik bij die zoete vruchten bovenin? De mand is snel gevuld dankzij enkele eenvoudige tips en trucs.

    Bewerken en bereiden

    Soep of salade, smoothie of likeur, drogen, karameliseren of inleggen- talrijke recepten laten zien hoe de lekkernijen uit de natuur kunnen worden verwerkt.

  • Humanity is not a plague

    How 10 Billion People can Exist Together
    Cees Buisman

    Humanity is not a plague

    In Humanity is Not a Plague, Cees Buisman argues that it is possible for 10 billion people to exist together on this Earth – as predicted for the year 2100 – provided that the richer part of the world no longer merely focuses on its own health, prosperity and happiness, and instead starts working seriously on developing a higher consciousness.

    In this essay, Buisman sharply analyzes some of the problems facing mankind, such as fresh water shortages, whilst overturning several clichés and offering unexpected, positive solutions. Overpopulation is not the problem; the effects of our actions on the rest of the world have a much greater impact. ‘Back to nature’ is not the solution, nor is an overreliance on science and innovation. Large-scale technologies could even increase our problems. It seems that the growth of humanity will depend on the growth of our consciousness.

    Cees Buisman studied water purification engineering, in addition to business administration, communication theory and applied integral psychology. Throughout his life he has worked on new environmental technologies, which are used in industry all over the world. His scientific work is highly cited. Buisman is the Director of Wetsus – European Center for Sustainable Water Technology, and Professor at Wageningen University, in the Netherlands.
