Aantal boeken: 5

  • Nieuw denken met oude Grieken

    Filosofie dóén
    Anne-Marie Gunnink, Paulien 't Hoen
  • Vogels van Europa

    De meest complete fotogids
    Andy Swash, Hugh Harrop, Rob Hume, Robert Still
  • De mens is geen plaag

    Over samenleven met 10 miljard mensen op aarde
    Cees Buisman
  • Spegel en sonde

    Jetske Bilker

    Spegel en sonde

    As toskedoktersassistinte Doutsen (echtgenoate, mem en minneres) in nije baas krijt, giet der ynienen in soad mis. Om’t se it iene nei it oare ferjit, minsken net mear werkent en regelmjittich it paad bjuster is, rekket se yn panyk. Se driget de kontrôle oer har libben te ferliezen en lit it yn har omgean har eardere berop fan byldzjend keunstner wer op te krijen. As Anniek, har suster dy’t se tsientallen jierren net troffen hat, kontakt opnimt, komt alles yn in streamfersnelling en komme dingen oan it ljocht dy’t Doutsen har hiele libben ferswijd hat. Wat is der eins bard yn it ferline?

    Op meinimmende wize fertelt Jetske Bilker dit oangripende, en bytiden humoristyske, ferhaal oer geheugen, de eangst foar alzheimer en famyljebannen.

    Fan Jetske Bilker (1960) ferskynde earder de roman It libben fan in oar, dy’t nominearre waard foar de Gysbert Japicxpriis.

  • Humanity is not a plague

    How 10 Billion People can Exist Together
    Cees Buisman

    Humanity is not a plague

    In Humanity is Not a Plague, Cees Buisman argues that it is possible for 10 billion people to exist together on this Earth – as predicted for the year 2100 – provided that the richer part of the world no longer merely focuses on its own health, prosperity and happiness, and instead starts working seriously on developing a higher consciousness.

    In this essay, Buisman sharply analyzes some of the problems facing mankind, such as fresh water shortages, whilst overturning several clichés and offering unexpected, positive solutions. Overpopulation is not the problem; the effects of our actions on the rest of the world have a much greater impact. ‘Back to nature’ is not the solution, nor is an overreliance on science and innovation. Large-scale technologies could even increase our problems. It seems that the growth of humanity will depend on the growth of our consciousness.

    Cees Buisman studied water purification engineering, in addition to business administration, communication theory and applied integral psychology. Throughout his life he has worked on new environmental technologies, which are used in industry all over the world. His scientific work is highly cited. Buisman is the Director of Wetsus – European Center for Sustainable Water Technology, and Professor at Wageningen University, in the Netherlands.
