Aantal boeken: 5

  • Halfhaantje en de Hardrijder

    De mooiste, grappigste en griezeligste volksverhalen uit Nederland en Vlaanderen
    Imre Koekenbier, Jens Klein, Myrthe Osse, Theo Meder, Wilmy van Ulft
  • Handboek logica

    De kunst van het redeneren
    Josina Carolina van Lynden, Roek (C.L.) Vermeulen
  • De rebel

    Yn ’t Frysk
    Joseph Roth

    De rebel

    Andreas Pum hat oan de ein fan de oarloch net folle oer. Hy hat noch ien skonk, in fergunning foar in draaioargel en in medalje op it boarst. Mar hy hat ek syn leauwe: yn minsken, yn alles dat boppe him stiet, yn it regear, yn God. Lykwols sil er dat geandewei allegear noch kwytreitsje, sadat er úteinlik net iens mear nei de himel ta wol.

    Joseph Roth (1894-1939) skreau omtrint hûndert jier lyn dizze ynkringende roman oer in inerlike en uterlike omkear. Ek mei dit wurk lit Roth sjen dat er in skerp waarnimmer is fan persoanlike en maatskiplike ûntjouwingen dy’t fan alle tiden binne.

  • 51 woorden voor sneeuw

    Nancy Campbell
  • A fascinating journey along the eyes of animals

    A fly has two eyes, but they consist of hundreds of separate parts, each with its own lens. The eyes of rabbits are implanted sideways to see danger coming. What do all eyes have in common? They all do “something” with light. The renowned ophthalmologist Dr Frank J. Goes takes you on a fascinating journey along the eyes of animals. Changing climate, continental drift and the amount of oxygen in the air influenced the development of animal species and their eyes. Colour vision, sharpness, nearsighted or farsighted, facet eyes, eyes on stalks. The variation is endless, but animals always have eyes adapted to the search for food and survival.

    DR. FRANK J. GOES is a consultant at the Goes Eye Center in Antwerp, which he founded in 1969. In addition to his activities as an ophthalmologist, he is also a lecturer at Ehsal high school,
    an ambassador for the NGO ‘Light for the World’ and a consultant in medical legal matters.
