Aantal boeken: 6

  • Winterwetter

    Lex Paleaux


    Oan de ein fan de tweintichste iuw groeit Lex op yn in doarp yn de Trynwâlden. In sêfte, kreative jonge yn in kristlik gesin mei in Frânske heit en in Fryske mem. In iepen jonge, dy’t knoeid wurdt yn syn gefoelichheid en syn aaklike geheimen net diele kin.

    Winterwetter is in fiktive roman, basearre op wiere feiten. In ferhaal oer in jonge dy’t wrakselet mei wa’t hy wêze mei en wol. Mar ek in kultuerskiednis mei in pake dy’t elk bern wol ha wol.
    ‘Sa foarsichtich mooglik loek ik de plakrâne fan ’e slúf iepen. It skuorrende lûd like te galmjen troch myn skûlplak. Ik doarde amper te sykheljen en hope dat it iepenmeitsjen fan de slúf net mem har oandacht lûke soe; it lêste wat ik woe wie ‘oandacht’.’

    Lex Paleaux (1977) is in Haarlimske skriuwer fan Frysk komôf. Troch it skriuwen fan skripts foar ferskate tv-searjes, koarte films en teäter ûntwikkele er in orizjinele, fisuele skriuwstyl. Paleaux nimt de lêzer mei op syn reis troch it jonge libben fan de haadpersoan. Winterwetter is syn romandebút.

  • Wat schaft de pot?

    Eetcultuur in Nederland door de jaren heen
    Irene van Renswoude, Judith Brouwer, Marieke Hendriksen, Marieke van Erp, Olga Leonhard, Rebeca Ibáñez Martín
  • Alledaagse moleculen

    Bouwstenen van onze wereld
    Anouk Lubbe, Ben Feringa
  • Versterk het ondernemend vermogen

    De kritische vriend methode als succesfactor
    Alexander Grit, Natalie Gumbs
  • Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity

    Using Critical Friend Method as factor of success
    Alexander Grit, Natalie Gumbs

    Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity

    The professorship Entrepreneurship in Transition has developed a philosophy to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of individuals, companies and regions. The philosophy assumes that successful entrepreneurship is both a personal and a collective assignment exploring possibilities. The Critical Friend Method is a working method that takes shape in multi-level and multi-disciplinary settings and can be applied to innovation, connection and entrepreneurship issues.
    People are challenged to take self-direction, think critically, and take the next step.
    Companies with innovation challenges can successfully use the Critical Friend Method to share knowledge bypassing potential hierarchical constraints.
    Regions in the world are facing challenging transitions. Such as from linear to circular creation processes. This method contributes to the current transitions in society by promoting knowledge sharing, stories and exchange.
    Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity is a handbook that provides all the tools to support this process and offers instructions that have been tested in practice for students, entrepreneurs, teachers and workplaces.

    The professorship Entrepreneurship in Transition is a collaboration between Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen and Alfa-college.

  • Fietsen tegen de grens

    In 30 etappes langs de binnenrand van Nederland
    Jan Fossen