Aantal 1–12 van 68 totaal

  • De Goargels en it geheim fan ’e gletsjer

    Yn ’t Frysk!
    Jochem Myjer
  • Opa en oma pluus in ‘t sallands

    In opa en oma pluus in ’t Sallands gaat nijntje op ‘bezuuk’ bij opa en oma. ‘opa heb ’n step emäk veur nijn’ en nijntje ‘hef ’n umslagdoek veur oma pluus ebreid’ Bij een ‘köppie’ thee eten ze een ‘botterkukies’, ‘nijntje hef t’r twee egettn’

    Nijntje is al meer dan 65 jaar onverminderd populair onder peuters en kleuters. Uitgeverij Bornmeer verzorgde al tientallen vertalingen van nijntje in streektalen. Na het succes van nijntje op de fietse in ’t Sallands is het nu de beurt aan opa en oma pluus in ’t Sallands. De vertaling is gemaakt door Gerard Oosterlaar, een van de leden van cabaretgroep Höllenboer. Hij werd bijgestaan door streektaaldeskundige Herman Koerhuis en Annet Ellenbroek, eigenaar van Bruna Ellenbroek Raalte en initiatiefneemster van de Sallandse vertaling van nijntje.

  • Cache-sexe

    Covered, uncovered, discovered
    Philip van Kerrebroeck


    This book asks why humans through history have covered their genitals and worn a cache-sexe. Does the cache-sexe merely provide protection, or is it an instrument to draw attention? Can the cache-sexe be used to stimulate certain thoughts? Why does not wearing a cache-sexe provoke shame one society but not in another? Are nudity and nakedness the same?

    On his quest to answer these questions, the author takes the reader on a review of the anatomy of the female and male genitals and reflects on how this part of the human body has been perceived over time and in various cultures. The different types of male and female cache-sex are discussed with reference to comprehensive illustrations based on unique and sometimes previously unpublished examples of cache-sexes and photographic documentation. The book also pays attention to the covering of the ‘backside’. Following this 360° exploration of the use of the cache-sexe, the place of the cache-sexe in art and fashion is uncovered.

    Philip Van Kerrebroeck is an urologist and professor emeritus of Urology at the University of Maastricht. Born in Leuven (Belgium), he trained in Surgery and Urology in Brussels, Utrecht, Nijmegen and San Francisco. Over the years, he has also developed an interest in the history of urology and cultural anthropology. He is currently chairman of the History Office of the European Association of Urology (EAU).

  • Bedekt

    Een antropologische geschiedenis van de schaamlap
    Philip van Kerrebroeck
  • Versterk het ondernemend vermogen

    De kritische vriend methode als succesfactor
    Alexander Grit, Natalie Gumbs
  • Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity

    Using Critical Friend Method as factor of success
    Alexander Grit, Natalie Gumbs

    Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity

    The professorship Entrepreneurship in Transition has developed a philosophy to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of individuals, companies and regions. The philosophy assumes that successful entrepreneurship is both a personal and a collective assignment exploring possibilities. The Critical Friend Method is a working method that takes shape in multi-level and multi-disciplinary settings and can be applied to innovation, connection and entrepreneurship issues.
    People are challenged to take self-direction, think critically, and take the next step.
    Companies with innovation challenges can successfully use the Critical Friend Method to share knowledge bypassing potential hierarchical constraints.
    Regions in the world are facing challenging transitions. Such as from linear to circular creation processes. This method contributes to the current transitions in society by promoting knowledge sharing, stories and exchange.
    Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity Strengthen entrepreneurial capacity is a handbook that provides all the tools to support this process and offers instructions that have been tested in practice for students, entrepreneurs, teachers and workplaces.

    The professorship Entrepreneurship in Transition is a collaboration between Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen and Alfa-college.

  • het feest van nijntje Oud Grieks

    ἡμέρᾳ τινὶ μίφα κυνίκλου

    ἤδη ἅμα ὄρθῳ ἀνέστη

    ἐλούσατο ἐκ κεφαλῆς εἰς πόδας

    καλῶς τοῦτ᾽ ἐπέπρακτο

  • De Goargels

    Yn 't Frysk!
    Jochem Myjer

    De Goargels

    Midden yn ’e nacht wurdt Melle wekker. Der sit in frjemd wêzentsje op de râne fan syn bêd. It liket wol in boltsje wol, mei earmkes en skonkjes en twa hierrige, puntige earen. Mar as Melle it ljocht oandocht, is it wêzentsje fuort.

    As er der op skoalle oer fertelt laitsje se him allegear út. Sels heit, dy’t biolooch is, seit dat it ûnsin is, dat sokke wêzentsjes net bestean. Mar Melle wit seker wat er sjoen hat …

    No ek yn it Frysk, dit fantasyrike en spannende aventoer oer Goargels, Brutelers en in jonge mei supereagen, fan Jochem Myjer. Yllustrearre troch Rick de Haas, bekend fan Mees Kees.

    De Goargels heart by de bêst ferkeapjende berneboeken fan it lân.

  • kleine pluus

    In 't Zeêuws
    Dick Bruna
  • nijntje den parke di bestia na Papiamentu

    Nijntje, tata di rib’un dia

    mi a pensa un kos

    nos ta ban parke di bestia

    ami ku bo, nos dos

  • Spegel en sonde

    Jetske Bilker

    Spegel en sonde

    As toskedoktersassistinte Doutsen (echtgenoate, mem en minneres) in nije baas krijt, giet der ynienen in soad mis. Om’t se it iene nei it oare ferjit, minsken net mear werkent en regelmjittich it paad bjuster is, rekket se yn panyk. Se driget de kontrôle oer har libben te ferliezen en lit it yn har omgean har eardere berop fan byldzjend keunstner wer op te krijen. As Anniek, har suster dy’t se tsientallen jierren net troffen hat, kontakt opnimt, komt alles yn in streamfersnelling en komme dingen oan it ljocht dy’t Doutsen har hiele libben ferswijd hat. Wat is der eins bard yn it ferline?

    Op meinimmende wize fertelt Jetske Bilker dit oangripende, en bytiden humoristyske, ferhaal oer geheugen, de eangst foar alzheimer en famyljebannen.

    Fan Jetske Bilker (1960) ferskynde earder de roman It libben fan in oar, dy’t nominearre waard foar de Gysbert Japicxpriis.

  • Het fees van nijntje in ut utregs

    sei soch un heul moai jurkie uit
    ut moaiste uit de kâs
    en weet je wervoar nijn da dee
    omdât sei jarig wâs
